Shotcrete and Concrete Transport

SS2 Shotcrete Sprayer
The SS2 Shotcrete Sprayer is rugged mechanized shotcrete spraying systems, developed specifically for underground ground support applications.

TM2 & TM3 Transmixers
The TM2 & TM3 Transmixers are an integral part of the wet shotcrete process, providing high capacity, high speed transport of shotcrete/concrete in a fit-for-purpose package.
BP3 Mobile Batch Plant
BP3 Mobile Batch Plant is an integral part of the wet shotcrete process and provides the ability to mix dry concrete to wet with a high capacity, high speed transporter designed for the underground environment.
AG3 Agitator
The AG3 Agitator is an integral part of the wet shotcrete process and provides the ability to mix concrete with a high capacity, high speed transporter that is designed for the underground mining environment.
SS5 Shotcrete Sprayer
The next generation SS5 is a complete package that not only offers multiple benefits, but also delivers safety and cost savings to mining operations, utilizing its ergonomic design and integrated technology.
IA3 Incline Agitator
The IA3 Incline Agitator is an integral part of the wet shotcrete process and provides the ability to mix concrete with a high capacity, high speed transporter that is designed for the underground mining environment.
Shotcrete and Concrete Transport – EV
AG3 EV Agitator
The battery-electric AG3 BEV Agitator is an integral part of the wet shotcrete process and provides the ability to mix concrete with a high capacity, high speed transporter that is designed for the underground mining environment.
SS5 EV Shotcrete Sprayer
The battery powered SS5 is a complete package that not only offers multiple BEV benefits, but also delivers safety and cost savings to mining operations, utilizing its ergonomic design and integrated technology.
TM3 EV Transmixer
The battery-electric TM3 BEV Transmixer is an integral part of the wet shotcrete process, providing high capacity, high speed transport of shotcrete/concrete in a fit-for-purpose package.
BP3 EV Mobile Batch Plant
The BP3 provides a solution for high-capacity, high-speed transport of dry mix, while experiencing the material benefits of wet shotcrete. As with all MacLean equipment, this machine is specifically designed for the underground environment.