MacLean Engineering statement on COVID-19 response

MacLean Engineering is following the latest guidance from Health Canada with regard to the appropriate response to COVID-19.

The members of the MacLean team who recently attended the PDAC mining convention in downtown Toronto are not presenting symptoms and, as such, are not self-quarantining.  In general, walking by a person with COVID-19 or briefly being in the same room as that person are considered low risk. For all PDAC attendees last week, including the Prime Minister and the Premier, there was a low risk of close physical interaction with the conference attendee who has now tested positive.

Our message to our people is:

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your mouth when you cough, preferably coughing into your sleeve.  You should avoid any direct physical contact with colleagues.
  • Cut all non-essential work travel for an indeterminate period going forward.
  • Employees who may develop flu-like symptoms, or, who have come into close physical contact with someone who has been confirmed to carry COVID-19, have been given the direction to contact their local Health Unit and self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • As a general rule, if you are sick, stay at home.

Our Executive Committee is monitoring the situation closely to review the latest facts available and adjust our company response accordingly.  We will be issuing company and customer-wide communications on a regular basis to keep our employees and our customers as up to date as possible on the steps we are taking, and why.   

For more information:

Stuart Lister
VP Marketing & Communications
MacLean Engineering

705-241-3247 (c)

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